Most recent applications from City of Port Phillip, VIC
364 Dorcas Street South Melbourne VIC 3205
Partial demolition and construct buildings and works comprising ground and first floor alterations and additions to a dwelling. Planning scheme permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Extend a dwelling on a lot less than 300sqm in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 1 Clause 43.01-1 - Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay (HO440) Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay (HO440)
About 2 months ago
65 Acland Street St Kilda VIC 3182
Existing Permit Allows: Demolition of ground floor office / reception area and removal of a car space; buildings and works for a new single storey extension to the front of the existing building for the purposes of a 78 seat restaurant (hours 7am to midnight) and car parking waiver. Proposed Amendments Alterations to the built form to extend the restaurant area, reduction in net floor area associated with the restaurant and bar area, reduction in accommodation suites from 24 to 20, repositioning the lift and over-run to align with existing built form, addition of amenities in existing carpark area, to include a swimming pool and associated lounge area; and a reduction in car parking to Zero (0) subject to the following permissions: • Clause 32.08-10 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works for a use in Section 2 of Clause 32.08-2 • Clause 43.02-2 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building. • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay • Clause 43.01 – Externally paint a building • Clause 43.01-1 - Carry out works, repairs and routine maintenance which change the appearance of a heritage place or which are not undertaken to the same details, specifications and materials. • Clause 52.06-3 - Reduce (including reduce to zero) the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5 or in a schedule to the Parking Overlay.
About 2 months ago
52 Brooke Street Albert Park VIC 3206
Partial demolition, alterations and additions to the existing dwelling, subject to the following permissions: - Clause 32.09-5 Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone. - Clause 43.01-1 Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay. - Clause 43.01-1 Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay.
About 2 months ago
217 Rouse Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Construction of a six-storey mixed use building and a reduction in the car parking requirements (comprising five dwellings and a ground floor office and basement level car parking), subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.04: A permit is required to construct two or more dwellings on a lot. Clause 43.02: A permit is required to construct a building or carry out works. Clause 52.06: A permit is required to reduce the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5.
About 2 months ago
Post Office Club Hotel 306 St Kilda Road St Kilda VIC 3182
Existing Permit Allows: To develop land for the purpose of buildings and works so as to create an outdoor area at existing hotel Proposed amendment: To amend condition 4 of the existing planning permit to allow for background music to be played in the beer garden between 8am and 11pm Monday to Sunday.
About 2 months ago
Albert Park Baptist Church 115 Kerferd Road Albert Park VIC 3206
Retrospective planning approval sought for: Display of illuminated, digital 'business signage' on land subject to the Heritage Overlay. The application involves the following permissions: Clause 52.05-13 - Display an electronic sign
About 2 months ago
6 Alma Place St Kilda VIC 3182
Partial demolition and construction of a double storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling in a Heritage Overlay, and on a lot less than 300 square metres, subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a General Residential Zone Clause 43.01-1- Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay
About 2 months ago
52 Barrett Street Albert Park VIC 3206
Construction of a double storey rear extension to the existing dwelling within a heritage overlay and lot size less than 300m2. The application involves the following planning permissions: • Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone. • Clause 43.01-1 - Demolish or remove a building. • Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works. • Clause 43.01-1 - Externally paint a building. • Clause 43.01-1 - Externally alter a building by structural work, rendering, sandblasting or in any other way.
About 2 months ago
6 Kendall Street Elwood VIC 3184
Planning Permit for construction of two dwellings on a lot. Permissions are: - Clause 32.08-7 - Construct two or more dwellings on a lot in the GRZ2 - Clause 3208-3 - Subdivide land in the GRZ2.
About 2 months ago
234 Danks Street Albert Park VIC 3206
Clause 43.01-1: - Demolish or remove a building - Construct a building or carry out works Partial demolition, alterations and additions to an existing dwelling in a Heritage Overlay
About 2 months ago
105 Erskine Street Middle Park VIC 3206
Partial demolition and construct buildings and works comprising ground and first floor alterations and additions to a dwelling Planning scheme permissions: Clause 32.09-5 – Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ1) Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay (HO444) Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay (HO444)
About 2 months ago
5/9 Hertford Street St Kilda East VIC 3183
Alterations to an existing double storey apartment building to create two new dwellings, subject to the following planning permission: • Clause 32.09-7 – Construct two or more dwellings on a lot zoned the Neighbourhood Residential Zone
About 2 months ago
139 Nelson Road South Melbourne VIC 3205
Partial demolition and construct buildings and works comprising ground and first floor alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including a first floor terrace, subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Extend a dwelling on a lot less than 300sqm in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 1 Clause 43.01-1 Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay (HO2) Clause 43.01-1 Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay (HO442) Clause 43.01-1 - External alterations in a Heritage Overlay (HO442) Clause 43.01-1 - External painting in a Heritage Overlay (HO442)
About 2 months ago
61 Milton Street Elwood VIC 3184
Complete demolition of an existing dwelling and the construction of a new dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres on land zoned Neighbourhood Residential Zone and affected by the Heritage Overlay, subject to the following planning permissions: • Clause 32.09-5 – Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works Proposed amendments by way of section 57A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to provide for the following: • Raised finished floor levels in response to Melbourne Water flooding advice. • Consequential changes to the wall heights and overall building height. • Deletion of roof terrace. • Revised roof design, including changes to the roof profile. • Annotation to specify the location of the pool equipment. • A deck to the rear ‘SPOS’. • Internal rearrangement. • Installation of a window to the first floor ‘Ensuite’. • Changes to the landscape design including floating steps to the entrance. • Increased paling fence heights along the eastern and southern boundaries. • Provision of a Tree Root Investigation Report.
About 2 months ago
35 Rothesay Avenue Elwood VIC 3184
Originally notified as: Construction of a double storey dwelling on a lot less than 300sqm in a General Residential Zone, and Special Building Overlay Section 57A Amendment received for the following: - Additional permit trigger of Clause 52.06-3 - Reduce the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5. No change in car parking as previously notified - Reduction in front setback - Increase in rear setback
About 2 months ago
75 Armstrong Street Middle Park VIC 3206
Partial demolition, alterations and construction of a two-storey rear extension to an existing one-storey Significant Heritage Dwelling in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone, Heritage Overlay and Special Building Overlay, subject to the following planning permissions: - Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone. - Clause 43.01-1 - Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay. - Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay.
About 2 months ago
16 Balston Street Balaclava VIC 3183
Existing permit allows: Partial demolition, buildings and works and a new front fence to a dwelling in a Heritage Overlay on a lot less than 500sqm, subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot of less than 500sqm in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone Clause 32.09-5 - Construct a front fence in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone Clause 43.01-1 - Demolish a building in a Heritage Overlay Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works, including to ‘externally alter a building’ in a Heritage Overlay Proposed amendments: - Construct a first floor studio above the garage. - Enclose first floor balcony and integrate into master bedroom. - Addition of north facing highlight windows to master bedroom. - Remove window from first floor ensuite. - Addition of skylight to first floor ensuite. - Removal of bench seat from backyard and living. - Construct new north side boundary fence and retaining wall. Subject to the following planning permissions: Clause 43.01-1- Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay
About 2 months ago
121-127 Cecil Street South Melbourne VIC 3205
The use of the land for the purpose of a restricted recreation facility (Gym), externally paint a building in a Heritage Overlay, and car parking consent subject to the following permissions: - Clause 34.01-1 - Use of the land for a restricted recreation facility. - Clause 52.06-6 - Consent for the car parking rate associated with a restricted recreation facility.
About 2 months ago
72 Tennyson Street Elwood VIC 3184
Amendment (Section 72) to existing permit which currently allows the following: Partial demolition and construction of a double storey extension on a lot over 300sqm in a Heritage Overlay Proposed amendments as follows: • Re-arrangement of building footprint at ground and first floor level • Insertion of skylights to main dwelling and highlight window to rear addition
About 2 months ago
18/9 Inkerman Street St Kilda VIC 3182
Existing permit allows: Sale and consumption of liquor under a General licence in association with use of the land as a food and drink premises (bar) (no permit required for use) operating daily from midday to 11pm, maximum 88 patrons, generally in accordance with the endorsed plans and subject to the following conditions subject to the below permissions: • Clause 52.27 – Use of Land to Sell or Consume Liquor Proposed Amendments: Modification to condition 3 for the extension of hours for sale and consumption of liquor to be from Midday to 1am (the next day) Monday to Sunday and deletion of Condition 8 – No Amplified Music.
About 2 months ago