Most recent applications from City of Port Phillip, VIC

8/40-44 St Kilda Road St Kilda VIC 3182

Use of the existing premises as a restricted recreation facility (gym) in the Commercial 1 Zone, subject to the following planning permission: • Clause 34.01-1 – Use of land for a restricted recreation facility

1 day ago

1 Alma Grove St Kilda VIC 3182

Partial demolition and construction of first floor extension, subject to following planning permissions: • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay • Clause 43.01-2 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay

2 days ago

73 Waterloo Crescent St Kilda VIC 3182

Construction of a garage and front fence in a General Residential Zone, subject to the following planning permissions: • Clause 32.08-5 – Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a General Residential Zone • Clause 32.08-5 – Construct a front fence within 3 metres of a street if the fence is associated with one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres and the fence exceeds the maximum height specified in Clause 54.06-2.

2 days ago

Gill Reserve Evans Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207

Use of land as hotel and buildings and works consisting of container bar and cool room in the Public Park and Recreation Zone and in a Heritage Overlay with the following operational details: Operating Hours: • 12pm-9pm – Tuesday to Sunday between October to April Maximum Capacity: • 100 Patrons Subject to the following permissions: • Clause 36.02-1 – Use of Land as Hotel in the Public Park and Recreation Zone • Clause 36.02-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in the Public Park and Recreation Zone • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out woks in a Heritage Overlay

2 days ago

7 Durham Street Albert Park VIC 3206

Permit allows: Partial demolition to the rear of the existing dwelling and construction of a double storey addition including a rooftop terrace, Permit preamble amended to: Clause 32.09-5 - construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres Clause 43.01 - Demolish a building Clause 43.01 - construct or extend one dwelling Clause 44.05 - construct a building or to construct or carry out works Plans amended to: - Reduction in the extent of demolition works. - Removal of the proposed new rear upper level roof terrace and rear upper level additions. - Retention of existing front chimney - Changes to ground floor additions

2 days ago

27 Page Street Albert Park VIC 3206

Existing permit allows: Partial demolition of the dwelling and ground floor extension to the rear in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone, Heritage Overlay and Special Building Overlay, subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone Clause 43.01-1- Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay Clause 44.05-2 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Special Building Overlay Proposed amendments: Construction of a wall on the north-west boundary, subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone

2 days ago

229 Canterbury Road St Kilda West VIC 3182

Existing permit allows: Partial demolition, alterations and additions to the dwelling and rear outbuilding, subjec to the following permissions: • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Special Building Overlay Proposed amendments: 1. Reduced footprint and removal of balcony 2. New Pergola 3. Extension height slightly increased 4. New materials proposed 5. New privacy windows along existing boundary wall (to replace existing and one in new location) subject to the following permissions: • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay

2 days ago

24 Fawkner Street St Kilda VIC 3182

Partial demolition and construction of a single storey extension and outbuilding to the rear of the existing dwelling in a Heritage Overlay and on a lot less than 300 square metres, subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay

4 days ago

1 O'grady Street Albert Park VIC 3206

Partial demolition and construct buildings and works comprising of alterations and additions to a single storey dwelling Planning scheme permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Clause 32.09-5 Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone. Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay (HO442) Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay (HO442)

4 days ago

5-6 Shakespeare Grove St Kilda VIC 3182

Use of the land to sell or consume liquor associated with a restaurant or café license in the area identified on the “Red Line” Plan with the following operational details: Operating Hours: • 12pm-9pm Monday-Sunday Maximum capacity: • 20 Patrons in internal area • 8 Patrons in footpath trading area The application involves the following planning permissions: Clause 52.27 – Use land to sell or consume liquor

4 days ago

31 Tribe Street South Melbourne VIC 3205

Full demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a new double-storey dwelling in the Heritage Overlay. Planning permissions include: • Clause 43.01-1 - Demolish or remove a building. • Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works.

5 days ago

88 William Street Balaclava VIC 3183

Partial demolition and construction of a single storey extension to an existing dwelling in the Neighborhood Residential Zone (Schedule 5), Heritage Overlay (Schedule 7) & Special Building Overlay (Schedule 1) The application involves the following planning permissions: • Clause 32.09-5 - construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres. • Clause 43.01-1 - Demolish or remove a building. • Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works

8 days ago

166 Evans Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207

Existing permit allows: Partial demolition, alterations and additions; the construction of a two storey rear addition, and the construction of a front fence, subject to the following permissions: - Clause 32.09-6: Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ1). - Clause 43.01-1: Demolish or remove a building in the Heritage Overlay (HO1). - Clause 43.01-1: Construct a building or construct or carry out works in the Heritage Overlay (HO1). - Clause 43.02-2: Construct a building or construct or carry out works in the Special Building Overlay (SBO2). Proposed amendments: - Extension of roof line to cover the first floor terrace off bedroom 2 on the north-east elevation. The roof to extend to the north-eastern boundary.

10 days ago

172 Heath Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207

Partial demolition, construction of a ground floor extension to a dwelling in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone and subject to a Heritage Overlay, subject to the following planning permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone Clause 43.01-1- Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay

10 days ago

154 Napier Street South Melbourne VIC 3205

Construction of a three storey dwelling with roof deck, garage with studio above, subject to the following permissions: • Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone • Clause 43.01-1 - Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay

10 days ago

104 Canterbury Road Middle Park VIC 3206

Planning Permit Amendment (Section 72) to existing permit which allows: • The use of the site for a medical centre (maximum 20 practitioners), and ancillary use (excluding the Yoga/Pilates roof deck shown on the L2 plan) as an occasional meeting area for pharmaceutical product launches ;• Construction of five (5) business identification signs, including one (1) illuminated blade sign facing Canterbury Road ;• Building works to the rear of the site; and • Construction of two additional levels, in accordance with the endorsed plans. • A reduction to zero of the car parking requirement of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. Proposed to be amended as follows: • Changes to windows on southern façade • Privacy screen to lift • Increase in practitioners associated with the medical centre from 20 to 24 • Increase operating hours and change opening hours of yoga/pilates studio by 1 hour, from opening 6am to 5am Monday to Friday and from opening 7am to 6am Saturday • Additional land use of place of assembly. Place of assembly is to have 120 person capacity and operate 7pm to 11pm, Sunday to Thursday and 7pm to midnight Friday and Saturday • Increase car parking reduction for the place of assembly • Construct new Level 6 for caretakers dwelling

10 days ago

120 Westbury Close Balaclava VIC 3183

Partial demolition and construction of buildings and works for a ground floor extension to a dwelling in the Heritage Overlay, subject to the following permissions: • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay

11 days ago

168 Richardson Street Albert Park VIC 3206

Retrospective approval for the demolition of a chimney in the Heritage Overlay (Schedule 444) The application involves the following planning permissions: • Clause 43.01-1 - Demolish or remove a building.

11 days ago

1-7 Wellington Street St Kilda VIC 3182

Sale and consumption of liquor for part of the Restricted Recreational Facility (Gym) associated with the approved development at 8-12 Punt Road & 3-7 Wellington Street, St Kilda (Planning Permit No. 1227/2015/C). Permkt trigger: Clause 52.07 – Use of land for the sale and consumption of liquor

11 days ago

4-5 Holroyd Court St Kilda East VIC 3183

Partial demolition and buildings and works comprising an extension of the basement and ground floor areas to an existing dwelling on land affected by the Heritage Overlay, subject to the following planning permissions: • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works

11 days ago

10 Beach Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207

Partial demolition of a building, construction of two or more dwellings on a lot, construction of buildings and works including a four storey building with basement level parking and roof level deck and services on a site and external painting within a Design and Development Overlay and Heritage Overlay. Planning permissions required: Clause 32.04-7 Construction two or more dwellings on a lot in a Mixed Use Zone Clause 43.01-1 Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay Clause 43.02-2 Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay

11 days ago

2A Brighton Road St Kilda VIC 3182

Planning Permit Amendment (Section 72) Existing permit allows Partial demolition of a building and works including internal alterations, use of the land as a food and drink premises, sale and consumption of liquor on the premises, and a reduction in the car parking requirements, subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.08-2 – use the land for a food and drink premises Clause 32.08-10 – construct a building or construct or carry out works for a use in Section 2 of Clause 32.08-2. Clause 43.01-1 – demolish or remove a building Clause 43.01-1 – construct a building or construct or carry out works Clause 43.01-1 – internally alter a building Clause 52.06 – to reduce (including to zero) the number of car spaces required under Clause 52.06-5. Clause 52.27 – to use the land to sell or consume liquor if a licence is required under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998. Proposed amendments to plans: Removal of the existing shade structure and installation of a new glazed structure and free-standing kitchen structure. Subject to the following permissions: • Clause 32.08-10 – construct a building or construct or carry out works for a use in Section 2 of Clause 32.08-2. • Clause 43.01-1 – construct a building or construct or carry out works. Amend Conditions: • 1(c), - deleted (no fixed structures within food truck area). • 10, - amended to allow use of outdoor area until 1am on Friday and Saturday • 11, - amended to increase patron numbers to 450 patrons • 12, - amended to increase patron numbers to 225 within the outdoor area. • 17, - Amend to allow live bands after 11pm • 18, - to allow for amplified entertainment in the outdoor area until 11 pm. • 19, - to allow for elevated background music up to 75db(A) after 9pm • 31 – Amend to allow an outdoor kitchen facility.

11 days ago

3-7a Alma Road St Kilda VIC 3182

Permit allows: Use and development of 88 dwellings at 3-7a Alma Road, St Kilda Amended as follows: Amend Conditions 9 and 10 to extend the Time to begin construction of air-conditioning plant above pool Amend plans to reduce the screening above the air-conditioning plant and move screening to adjoin the building

11 days ago

368 Howe Parade Port Melbourne VIC 3207

Partial demolition, construction of buildings and works for an extension to a dwelling on a lot over 300 square metres subject to the Heritage Overlay, subject to the following planning permissions: • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay

14 days ago

134 Nelson Road South Melbourne VIC 3205

Partial demolition, construction of buildings and works and an extension to a dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres on land in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone and subject to a Heritage Overlay and Special Building Overlay, subject to the following permissions: • Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building in a Heritage Overlay • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Heritage Overlay

16 days ago

99 Cobden Street South Melbourne VIC 3205

Partial demolition and buildings and works including construction of a first floor addition, the construction of a fence greater than 1.5m and internal alterations to a dwelling on a lot less than 300sqm in a Heritage Overlay, subject to the following permissions: Clause 32.09-5 - A permit is required to construct or extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres. Clause 32.09-5 - Construct or extend a front fence within 3 metres of a street if the fence is associated with one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres and the fence exceeds the maximum height specified in Clause 54.06-2. Clause 43.01-1 - Demolish or remove a building.

19 days ago

37 Mills Street Albert Park VIC 3206

Clause 52.02 - vary an easement To vary the location of a sewerage easement

21 days ago

116 Moray Street South Melbourne VIC 3205

Demolition of the existing building and construction of a multi-storey office building (no permit required for use as an 'office') and a reduction of car parking requirements, subject to the following permissions: • Clause 34.02-4 – construct a building or construct or carry out works in the Commercial 2 Zone • Clause 43.02-2 – construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay • Clause 52.06-3 – reduce the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

21 days ago

355 Barkly Street Elwood VIC 3184

Existing permit allows: Demolition of the existing dwelling and buildings and works to construct two double storey dwellings (with basements) and alteration of access to a Road Zone, Category 1 road subject to the following permissions: • Clause 32.09-6 – Construct two or more dwellings on a lot • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building. • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works • Clause 44.05-2 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works (Exempt from notice and review) • Clause 59.29 - Create or alter access to a road in Transport Zone 2 Proposed amendments: - Deletion of the basements to both dwellings - Internal layout changes to both dwellings - Alterations to windows - Increase in building height

21 days ago

8 Boyd Street Albert Park VIC 3206

Existing permit allows: Partial demolition, alterations and additions to a dwelling on a lot less than 300sqm in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (Schedule 1), Heritage Overlay (Schedule 444) and Special Building Overlay (Schedule 2), subject to the following permissions: • Clause 32.09-5 – Construct or extend one dwelling on a lot of less than 300sqm. • Clause 43.01-1 – Demolish or remove a building. • Clause 43.01-1 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works • Clause 44.05-2 – Construct a building or construct or carry out works (Exempt from notice and review) Proposed amendments: - Changes to the western elevation windows - Increased in the overall height of the rear addition - Addition of a pergola to the western elevation - Material schedule changes - Addition of a BBQ and storage area

23 days ago